Sunday, September 16, 2007

SEE my 1st Article on Water Resources Research!

accepted paper on 2 August 2007 (in press): "The probabilistic structure of the distance between tributaries of given size in river networks", Convertino, M., R. Rigon, A. Maritan, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, A. Rinaldo, 2007WR006176 [Convertino et al., 2007].

I am always too strict with myself because I want to do "more and more" and better, but I have to admit, it's really a very very nice paper which extends the theory of universal features in river basins in a simple ("... but not simpler" as Einstein said!) mathematical formulation, or better by a statistical mechanics formulation. Distances and associated areas can be in fact viewed, as any quantity in Nature, as a stochastic variable, in this case obtained by the stochastic optimization evolution that forms river basins.
Are also analyzed other river networks' models, Scheidegger and Peano ones, obtaining exact results.

The exciting things are that these results are strongly correlated to other themes I am studying (and even writing other 1, 2 (?) articles..., work in progress..., i can not say more...), about heterogeneous conditions (input) on fluvial aggregation models, climate change studies and implications on ecological species and landsliding for example, transport processes in river basins.

See it and stay tuned for my next research papers!

1 comment: said...

Dear Mateo,

I would be very interested in having a copy of your recent WRR paper, which seems to be really terrific!!!

Best Regards
